Big Brothers Big Sisters implements new technology that allows donations to be made via mobile phones
Kansas City, Mo. -- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City announces today, that they will be among the first non-profits in the country to use mobile phones as a way to contribute financial gifts via text messaging.
BBBS-KC has partnered with MobileCause and the Mobile Giving Foundation to offer this technology to their members and supporters. BBBS-KC has partnered with the Mobile Giving Foundation to provide another avenue for individuals to help match kids in Kansas City with adult role models and friends. Interested people simply text the word give (G-I-V-E) to the number 20222 from their mobile phone. They will instantaneously be sent an opt in message in which upon approval will donate $5 to BBBS-KC. The $5 fee will be added to their mobile phone bill at the end of the month. Each user may text this message up to five times per month.
“There has never been an easier way to donate to a good cause,” Micheal Lawrence, Executive Director of BBBS-KC said. “By simply texting us you will be donating $5 to our agency. A small amount, that over time will add up for our agency, allowing us to reach more children. We urge any one out there that has ever been a Big, a Little, or a friend or family member of a Big or Little to help support us in this small donation that could go a long way.”