Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This month's Webinar on Dec 10

The MobileCause team cordially invites you to the next installment of our ongoing Monthly Webinar Series. This month we will be focusing on Text2Pledge, a unique mobile solution that offers instant fundraising potential coupled with our innovative IVR collection service.

Join us as we share experience, strength and knowledge regarding this easy-to-use service can mean serious dollars for your cause.

The MobileCause team will present useful tips and strategy on how to use this revolutionary tool, as well as all of the components that make text2pledge a dynamic and viable fundraising option.

We will also hear from guest speaker Nicole Eley from Africare who will present her organizations success using text2pledge.

We will conclude with a Question and Answer segment.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Register Now.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ben Stiller launches "original" Text2Give campaign

Ben Stiller tells Lance Armstrong about his "original" idea to start a charity called STILLERSTRONG in order to help the community of Ceverine, Haiti and build a new school there.

Stiller's campaign is not without detractors...and pending lawsuits. Most notable by Lance Armstrong himself who hastily video taped a response to StillerStrong in an emergency Armstrong Foundation board meeting this week. We'll see who's tongue in cheek is STRONGER.

Stiller teamed up with MobileCause partner CauseCast to create this real mobile giving campaign.



Welcome to our blog. This blog will focus around what is going on in the mobile space, cause marketing, and to be honest whatever else we care to share :)

We at MobileCause have over 50 years combined experience working with non-profit organizations, ministries, and causes. We are not only a mobile service provider with decades of marketing, media and telecommunications experience, we have fundraising in our DNA.

Our three core areas are:

We'd love to work with you to meet your mobile goals.
~The MobileCause Team